Thursday 30 October 2008

How to Wallis Cast - A Web Resource

Many anglers are beginning to use centrepin reels for the first time. It would not be overstating the case to say the centrepin has undergone a considerable resurgence in recent years.

The reasons for this are many and varied. I was profoundly influenced (as, I imagine, were many others) by the series A Passion for Angling. As a boy in the early seventies the formative years of my angling progressed using fixed spool reels exclusively (Intrepid Black Prince – remember them?). Indeed, I struggle to recall more than a handful of occasions when I saw a centrepin being used during that time. If I did, it was probably being wielded by an ‘old timer’. In the heady, impetuous days of our youth, my friends and I would have regarded such anglers as ‘uncool’: shame on us.

The Passion for Angling series, first shown in the early nineties, was the first time I’d seen how effective centrepins could be in use. By that time (I like to think) I had mellowed and matured and I concede that there was more than a smidgen of romantic attraction to the whole Crabtree-ness of it all (The great Bernard Venables, creator of Mr Crabtree, even made an appearance). This was strange, as it was nostalgia for a time and ethos that I had never experienced personally.

Around the same time John Wilson’s TV programmes were being given their first nationwide airing. Again, many of us saw a very competent angler using centrepin reels in a wide variety of angling situations. This only served to underline the fact that – on the right occasion – the centrepin was not merely a throwback to a long gone era, but an effective tool in its own right.

Latterly, the antipathy felt by many anglers to the commercial carp scene and the parallel (and possibly correlative) rise in popularity of barbel fishing has played a part. Many of us prefer stalking the margins of lilied pools for carp, or trundling legered baits though likely barbel spots on swiftly flowing rivers, using a centrepin as our winch of choice.

There are, of course, those who were raised on centrepins and who always have used them, but this piece is not aimed at experts. By the time I took the plunge and bought my first ‘pin (a 5 ½“ Leeds) I had become a solitary angler, by and large, and there was nobody to show me the ropes. Learning to use one can be a daunting process. I like to think that, through trial, error, and sometimes bitter experience, I have attained a modest proficiency in their use. Far more importantly, however, I have come to love using centrepin reels; probably to the point where I will use one where a fixed spool type would be more appropriate.

By far most common query voiced by newcomers relates to the Wallis cast, and how to execute it proficiently. I found the internet to be a valuable resource during the time I was teaching myself to Wallis cast. With this in mind I’ve have gathered together a collection of links which I hope will be of interest to those attempting to learn.

If anyone knows of any further links let me know and I will include them.

Very good article on Wallis casting by John Olliff-Cooper. Worth looking at for the lovely centrepins alone. Contains information on the dark art of Wallis casting with a leger.
A further article from John covering more advanced Wallis casting techniques. Includes photos.
The Wallis Cast demystified – good, simple talk-through by Allan Marshall. No photos.
Alan Roe explains the Wallis cast in words, pictures and video.
Another article from Mr Roe which includes some general information on centrepins as well as Wallis casting. Includes photos.
This article contains an explanation from F.W.K. Wallis himself. Taken from the top notch Pure Piscator website. Includes photos.
More from Pure Piscator. This time a humorous take on “Wallis” casting – angling related and otherwise…
Very good article which, while dealing only obliquely with the Wallis cast, has some excellent additional information. Check the Products page for some very lean and mean modern centrepins.
An article (including photos and video) featuring Randy Gerrick, interesting in that Randy is left-handed.
Video demonstration of an overhead Wallis cast.
Paul Almanza describes several ways of casting with a centrepin, including the Wallis cast. Includes some images seen earlier.
An explanation of the Wallis cast from master centrepin maker Chris Lythe. No

A video demonstration of Wallis casting by Glen Smith. Includes an introduction by Glen.

1 comment:

Carp Fishing said...

I am very interesting to avail knowledge about fishing. I read this and your blog contain a lot of knowledge and information for every one so keep it up and 1 question why do fish push and move gravel in different places? And how can you tell if you have a male or female?